Judul Skripsi UTM

1.      An Analysis Of Implicatures On The Eighth Graders English Teacher’s Talk Of SMP N 1 Magelang (Ali Ahmad)
2.      An Analysis Of Function Of Language Used In Classroom Interaction In The Twelfth Grade Students Of SMA Tarakanita Magelang In School Year 2012/2013 (Mei Eko Purwanti)
3.      An Analysis Of Indicative Mood Of The Eighth Grade Of The English Teacher’s Talk In SMP N 1 Magelang In The Academic Year 2012/2013 (Agung Budi Setiawan)
4.      An Analysis Of Maxims Of Eighth Grade Of The Teacher’s Talk In SMP N 1 Magelang In The Academic Year 2012/2013 (Dahniyar Sri Widyaningrum)
5.      An Analysis Of Felicity Conditions Of The Teacher’s Talk Utterances In SMA Tarakanita Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Rosalia Dewi Hanitarini)
6.      An Analysis Of Educational And Moral Values Of A Short Story “The Three Students” By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Siti Fitrotul Isna, 2013)
7.      An Analysis Of Function Words In The Descriptive Texts Written By The Eighth Grade Students Of Mts. Yakti Tegalrejo In The School Year 2012/2013 (Oktafia Tresnawati Qursetianingsing)
8.      An Analysis Of Presupposition Of Eight Grade English Teacher’s Talks In SMP N 1 Magelang (Nurheni Widyastuti)
9.      An Analysis Of Moral Values In The Golden Touch Story By Nathaniel Hawthorne (Anissa Nugraheni)
10.  An Analysis Of Characters’ Moral Values In Anjali Mukerjee’s Short Story “Mirror In Rajabazar” (Yossie Wega Chandra Wilasita)
11.  An Analysis Of Moral Values Found In Suprina Frazier’s Novel “My Lover, My Friend” (Ita Sofi Lestari)
12.  An Analysis Of Deixis Of Students’ Utterance In English Speaking Class Of Eleventh Grade SMK Kristen 2 Magelang In The Academic Year 2012/2013 (Restituta Rinta Mardyatma Harim)
13.  An Analysis Of Types Of Illocutionary Acts That Can Create Good Atmosphere For Teaching-Learning Process On The 8th Grade Of English Teacher’s Utterances In SMA N 1 Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Cahyo Nugroho)
14.  An Analysis Of Deixis Of Students’ Utterance In English Speaking Class Of Eleventh Grade SMK Kristen 2 Magelang In The Academic Year 2012/2013 (Restituta Rinta Mardyatma Harin)
15.  An Analysis Of Function Words In Recount Texts Written By The Tenth Grade Students Of SMA N 1 Bandongan In The School Year 2011/2012 (Anggun Nila Er Setya Utami)
16.  An Analysis Of Declarative Mood In The Recount Text Written By The Tenth Grade Students Of SMA Muhammadiyah Borobudur In The School Year 2011/2012 (Chairun Nizza)
17.  An Analysis Of Representative Illocutionary Act Of English Teacher’s Talk In MAN 1 Kota Magelang In The Academic Year 2011/2012 (Erna Safitri)
18.  An Analysis On Using Articles In Hortatory Exposition Text Written By The Elevents Graders Of MAN 1 Magelang In The School Year 2010/2011 (Widi Nugraheni)
19.  An Error Analysis Of Relative Clause In The Narrative Text Made By Eleventh Grade Of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Magelang In The School Year 2011/2012 (Slamet Lestari)
20.  An Analysis Of Prepositional Phrase In The Narrative Text Written By The Tenth Grade Students Of SMA N 1 Grabag In The School Year 2009/2010 (Indah Kurniawati)
21.  An Analysis Of Process In The Narrative Text Made By The Second Grade Students Of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Temanggung In The School Year Of 2009/2010 (Aeni Miladia)
22.  An Analysis Of Politeness Strategy Of The Eighth Grade English Teachers’ Utterances Of SMPN 2 Magelang In The School Year 2011/2012 (Swastika Yoasti)
23.  An Analysis Of Cultural Adjustment Of The Main Character In Honor Arundel’s Novel Emma’s Island (Iin Damayanti)
24.  An Analysis Of The Main Character’s Family Conflicts And His Resolutions In Anita Shreve’s Novel “Recue” (Siti Nurkhayati Umaroh)
25.  An Analysis Of The Moral Values In The Big Fish Movie By Tim Burton (Herlina Ratnafuri)
26.  An Analysis Of The Main Character’s Life Struggle In Kamala Markandaya’s Novel “Nectar In A Sieve” (Sri Sulistyawati)
27.  An Analysis Of The Main Character’s Role Toward The Conflict In Sandra Broown’s Novel, “Chill Factor” (Marina Sani)
28.  Locutionary Act Analysis On  The Students Utterances In English Speaking Class Of The Tenth Graders Of SMA Islam Secang In The School Year 2010/2011 (Nora Kurnia Ningrum)
29.  An Analysis Of The Main Character’s Personal Introversion In The Novel “Rainbow Garden” By Patricia ST John (Susi Harmilah)
30.  An Analysis Of Expressive Illocutionary Act Of English Teacher’s Talk In MAN 1 Kota Magelang In The School Year 2010/2011 (Koyin)
31.  An Error Analysis Of English Clauses In Descriptive Text Written By The Tenth Grade Students Of SMA N 1 Bandongan In The School Year 2010/2011 (Prima Diani)
32.  An Analysis Of Commissive Illocutionary Act Of English Teacher’s Talk In MAN 1 Kota Magelang In The Academic Year 2010/2011 (Lilis Yuliani)
33.  The Socio-Cultural Approach Analysis Of A Belgian Volunteer’s Teaching Learning Process In SMA Muhammadiyah Borobudur In The School Year 2012/2013 (Eni Kurniyawati Chusna)
34.  An Analysis Of Moral Values In The Golden Touch Story By Nathaniel Hawthorne (Anissa Nugraheni)

PTK Dan Lain2
1.      Using Vocabulary Elaboration Technique To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Grade Students Of SDN Tegalrejo In The School Year 2012/2013 (Bagus Ferdiawan)
2.      Using Reciprocal Peer Tutorial Technique To Improve Writing Skill Of The Eleventh Graders Of SMAN 1 Bandongan In The School Year 2012/2013 (Asti Yulianasari)
3.      Using Apples To Apples Game To Improve Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Graders Of SDN Gejagan Pakis In The School Year 2012/2013 (Anifah)
4.      Using Color Code Technique To Improve Students’ Mastery Of Part Of Speech Of The Eleventh Graders Of SMA Negeri 1 Candimulyo In The School Year 2012/2013 (Sari Wulandari)
5.      Using Reversi Game To Improve Student’s Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Grade Students Of SDN Kramat 1 Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Fajar Astanaprima)
6.      Using Newspaper To Improve Reading Skill Of The Eleventh Grade Students Of MAN 1 Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Fibriyanti Wahyuningrum)
7.      To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery In Teaching Descriptive Text Of The Forth Grade Students Of SD Negeri 1 Mertoyudan Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Muhammad Arsyadana Zulfikar)
8.      Using Comic Strips Media To Improve Writing Skills Of The Eight Grade Students Of SMP Negri Satap Prampelan In The Academic Year Of 2012/2013 (Febi Kusniawati)
9.      Using After Card Game To Improve Reading Skill Of The Eighth Grade Students Of SMP Ma’arif Bandongan In The School Year 2012/2013 (Nurul Istiqomah)
10.  Using Focused Listing Technique To Improve The Descriptive Text Writing Skill Of The Tenth Graders Of MAN Parakan Temanggung In The School Year 2012/2013 (Yulita)
11.  Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Using Snake Path Game Of The Fifth Grade Students Of SDN 2 Mojotengah Temanggung In The School Year 2012/2013 (Wasono Saputro)
12.  Using Jotto Game To Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Of Fifth Grade Students Of SD Negeri  Nguwet In The School Year 2012/2013 (Pradipta Luthfi Wijaya)
13.  Using Predict-Locate-Add-Note (PLAN) Technique To Improve The Reading Skill On Narrative Text Of The Tenth Graders Of MA Ma’Arif Borobudur Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Muhyidin)
14.  Using Team Pair Solo Technique To Improve The Reading Skill Of Tenth Graders Of MAN Magelang On Narrative Text In The School Year 2013/2014 (Ambar Tri Wahyuni)
15.  Using Wall Charts To Improve Writing Ability Of Eighth Grade Students Of SMP Negeri 4 Magelang In The Academic Year 2012/2013 (Agret Anisa Utami)
16.  Using Board Race Games To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Graders Of SD N Candisari In The Year 2012/2013 (Endah Wulan Sari)
17.  Using Class Mascot To Assist In Memorizing Vocabulary Of The First Grade Students Of SD Negeri Karanggedong In The School Year 2012/2013 (Ayu Indriyani)
18.  Using Shared Reading Technique To Improve The Descriptive Text Reading Skill Of The First Graders Of SMP Ma’Arif Bandongan In The School Year 2012/2013 (Wiwin Indarti)
19.  Using Whisper Race Game To Improve Vocabulary Mastery Of The Third Grade Students Of SDN Girirejo Sobokarang Tegalrejo In The School Year 2013/2014 (Rahma Sholikhatun)
20.  Using Somebody Wanted But So (SWBS) Technique To Improve The Reading Skill On Narrative Text Of The Eleventh Graders Of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Kustriawati Meiningsih)
21.  Using Spelling Letter The Game To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Third Graders Of MI Wonoroto Windusari Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Siti A’imah)
22.  Improving Reading Comprehension Ability Of The 11th Graders Of MAN Temanggung By Using Collaboration Strategy Reading (CSR), (Rofiek Noor Rosyidah)
23.  Using Questioning The Author Technique To Improve The Students’ News Item Text Reading Skill Of The Tenth Graders Of SMA Negeri 1 Grabag In The School Year 2012/2013 (Agus Cahyono)
24.  Using Grammatical Transformation Technique To Improve Writing Ability Of The Recount Text Of The 8th Grade Students Of SMP Darul Mutaqien Selopampang Temanggung In The School Year 2012/2013 (Anif Kurniawan)
25.  Using Circle Of Speakers Technique To Improve The Speaking Skill Of The Eleventh Graders Of MAN Parakan Temanggung In The School Year 2012/2013 (Kurnia Aji Dita Nagara)
26.  Using Call My Bluff Game To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery To The Fourth Grade Students Of SD Negeri Rejowinangun Selatan 5 Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Yupiter Andreawan)
27.  Using QAR (Queation-Answer-Relationship) Technique To Improve Descriptive Text Reading Skill To The Seventh Grade Of SMP N 2 Grabag In The School Year 2013/2014 (Purnanik)
28.  Using NGT (Nominal Group Technique) To Improve The Hortatory Exposition Text Writing Skill Of The Eleventh Graders Of MA Al Iman Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Luluk Isna)
29.  Using Each One Teach One (EOTO) Technique To Improve Speaking Skill Of The Eleventh Graders Of Madrasah Aliyah Al-Iman Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Indira Agistin)
30.  Using Popsicle Stick Game To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Graders Of SDN 2 Wonosobo Pringsurat Temanggung In The School Year 2012/2013 (Dhoni Anggoro)
31.  Using Silhouette Media To Improve The Descriptive Text Writing Skill Of The Tenth Graders Of SMA Ma’Arif Bsawangan In The School Year 2012/2013 (Anita Sari)
32.  Using Tennis Elbow Foot Game To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Graders Of MI Bondowoso 1 Mertoyudan In The School Year 2012/2013 (Evi Musrifah)
33.  The Correlation Between Students Listening Skill And Speaking Class Of LPK Victory World Wide (Tabita Rina Ambarwati)
34.  Using Describing A Scene In A Picture To Improve The Writing Ability Of Narrative Text Of The First Graders Of Mts Yaspih Ngadirojo, Secang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Hardhian Angga Firmansyah)
35.  Using Clustering Technique In Improving The Writing Skills Of The Eighth Graders Of SMP Negeri 2 Tempuran In The School Year 2012/2013 (Agustin Nurlaila)
36.  Using Jumble Letter Technique To Improve The Writing Skill Of The Seventh Graders Of SMP N 4 Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Olivia Ariyani)
37.  Using Send-A-Problem Technique To Improve Hortatory Exposition Text Writing Skill Of The Eleventh Graders Of MAN Parakan Temanggung In The School Year 2012/2013 (Septika Lutfita)
38.  Using Carousel Technique To Improve The Hortatory Exposition Text Writing Skill Of The Eleventh Grades Of MAN 1 Kota Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Aniyatus Solikhah)
39.  Using Paragraph Shrinking Technique To Improve The Reading Skill Of The Tenth Graders Of MAN 1 Kota Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Esti Nurul Aini)
40.  Using Brainwriting Technique To Improve The Hortatory Exposition Text Writing Skill In The Eleventh Graders Of SMA Negeri 1 Grabag In The School Year Of 2012/2013 (Reni Kartikasari)
41.  Using Cumulative Fairytales To Improve The Narrative Writing Skills To Eleventh Graders Of SMP N 4 Magelang In The School Years 2012/2013 (Erwan Prasetyo)
42.  Improving Vocabulary Mastery Using Frayer Model Of The Sisth Graders Of SDN Trenten 2 In The School Year 2012/2013 (Noviana Mariani)
43.  Using Think Talk Write (TTW) Strategy To Improve Writing Skill Of Analytical Exposition Text Of The Elevent Grade Students Of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Muntilan In The Academic Year 2012/2013 (Rizky Fauyia Nafitasari)
44.  Using Ball And Music Game To Improve The Speaking Skill Of  Procedure Text Of The First Graders Of Mts YASPIH Ngadirojo Secang Magelang In The School Years 2012/2013 (Yahya Nandhi Pradhana)
45.  Using Imagine-Elaborate-Predict-Confirm (IEPC) To Improve Writing Skill Of Narrative Texts In The Eleventh Grade Of SMA Tarakanita In The School Year 2012/2013 (Fibri Anadwi Kesuma)
46.  Using Mindscape Technique To Improve Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fourth Grade Students Of SDN Kaliabu Salaman In The School Year 2012/2013 (Luluk Hikmah Susilawati)
47.  Using Charade Game To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Grade Student Of SD Negeri Kaliurip Bener Purworejo In School Year 2012/2013 (Sutarman)
48.  Using Circle Sage Technique To Improve Speaking Skill Of The Scond Graders Of MA Muhammadiyah 1 Medura Mungkid Magelang In The Scool Year 2012/2013 (Andhina Rahma Hartini)
49.  The Effectiveness Of Vocabulary Bank Technique In Teaching English Vocabulary For The Sixth Grade Students Of SD Kristen 2 Magelang Education Year 2012/2013 (Ichsanuddin Bagas Satria)
50.  Using Grammatical Transformation Technique To Improve Writing Ability Of Recount Text Of The 8th Grade Students Of SMP Darul Mutaqien Selopampang Temanggung In The School Year 2012/2013 (Anif Kurniawan)
51.  Using Quiz Quiz Trade Game To Improve Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Graders Of SDN Mertoyudan 3 Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Yessi Tesalonika Putri)
52.  Using Text Twist Game To Improve Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fourth Grade Students Of MI Muhammadiyah Klepu Kranggan Temanggung In The School Year 2012/2013 (Novita Candra Widiyanti)
53.  Using Riddle Games To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Eighth Graders Of SMP PGRI Mungkid In The School Year 2012/2013 (Yuanita Ajeng Anggraeni)
54.  Using Odd One Out Game To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fourth Graders Of SD Negeri Banyakan Mertoyudan In The School Year 2012/2013 (Maria Margaretha.A.R.P)
55.  Using Group Discussion Method To Improve Student’s Writing Skill Descriptive Text Class Two Of The First Year Of SMP Candirejo Borobudur In The School Year 2012/2013 (Lutfia May Rahmawati)
56.  Using Sentence Stock Exchange Technique To Improve Writing Skill Of The Eighth Graders Of MTS Aswaja Dukun In The School Year 2011/2012 (Ari Affandi)
57.  Using FAT To Improve Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fourth B-Grade Students Of SD Muhammadiyah Plus Sirojuddin Mungkid Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Rian Febriansyah)
58.  Using Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA) Technique To Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension Of The Elevents Graders Of MA Guppi Windusari In The School Year 2012/2013 (Betty Rahayu Setiari)
59.  Using Communicative Activities To Improve Speaking Skill Of The Fifth Graders Of SDN Sumberarum 1 Tempuran Mageng In The School Year 2012/2013 (Dhita Wihardiningtyas)
60.  Using DART’s Technique To Improve The Reading Skill Of The Tenth Grade Students Of MAN 1 Kota Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Nor Dini Pebriati)
61.  Using Memory Or Pairs Game To Improve Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fourth Graders Of SD Negeri Sriwungu Tlogomulyo Temanggung In The School Year 2012/2013 (Taufiq Septiaji)
62.  Using Snowball Throwing To Improve Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Grade Students SDN Bawang Tempuran Magelang In The Academic Year 2012/2013 (Sokhibul Puji Ariyanto)
63.  Using Dice Game To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery To The Fourth Grade Students Of SD Negeri Potrobangsan 2 Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Grata Reza Praditya Susilo Putro)
64.  Using Feed The Kitty Word Sound Game To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fourth Grade Students Of MI Ma’Arif Bulurejo Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Sriyanti)
65.  “Using Who Am I” Game To Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Grade Students Of SD N 2 Kranggan Temanggung In The School Year 2011/2012 (Edi Purwanto)
66.  Using Twister Words Games To Improve Vocabulary Mastery Of The Forth Grade Students Of SDN Karangkajen Secang In The School Year 2011/2012 (Sri Maryani)
67.  The Effectiveness Of Spelling Teaching Technique In Teaching English Writing To The Fourth Grade Students Of SD N Panca Arga Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Tusiana Ragil Saputri)
68.  Improve Report Writing Skill Using R.A.F.T (Role-Audience-Format-Topic) Technique Of The Eleventh Grades Of Man Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Hidayat Ahmad Rahmawan)
69.  Improving Reading Skill Using Comprehension Fix-Up Strategy To The Eleventh Graders Of SMK Widya Teknik Kaliangkrik In The School Year 2012/2013 (Ahmad Yusuf Efendi)
70.  Using Microsoft Powerpoint To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Third Grade Students Of SD N Tersan Gede 1 Salam Magelang In The School Year 2011/2012 (Dony Heriawan)
71.  Using Guggenheim Game To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Grade Students Of SD Negeri Gelangan 1 Magelang In The School Year 2011/2012 (Rizky Wahyu Nugraha)
72.  Using List Group Label Technique To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Graders Of SD Negeri Kedungsari Bandongan Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Ismiyono)
73.  Using Format Matters Technique To Improve The Students Reading Skill Of Narrative Text To The Tenth Grade Students Of SMA Muhammadiyah Borobudur In The School Year 2011/2012 (Tifani Mahmi Astuti)
74.  Using Website Assisted Language Learning (WALL) To Improve The Ability In Writing Descriptive Text In Class X 7 Of SMAN 1 Temanggung In The School Year 2011/2012 (Nor Azizah)
75.  Using Speed-Reding Competition Game To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Graders Students Of SDN 1 Sidorejo Temanggung In The School Year 2011/2012 (Puput Desy Wahyu Lestari)
76.  The Effectiveness Of Role Play Technique In Teaching Speaking To The Ninth Year Students Of SMP PGRI Pakis In The School Year 2011/2012 (Titin Umi Yuliyanti)
77.  Improving Students’ Reading Ability Using Scanning Technique To The Seventh Graders Of SMP N 1 Temanggung In The Academic Year 2011/2012 (Win Sekarwati)
78.  Using Ending Letter Game To Improve Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fourth Grade Students Of SD Tidar 6 Magelang In The School Year 2011/2012 (Pramudian Agustina)
79.  Using Word Analogy Technique To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Eighth Graders Of MTS Ma’Arif Botoputih Tembarak Temanggung In The School Year 2011/2012 (Farhatul Ummah)
80.  Improving Reading Skill Using Contextual Guessing Technique To The Eighth Grade Of SMP Persatuan Mertoyudan Magelang In The School Year 2010/2011 (Yanuar Pramitasari)
81.  The Effectiveness Of Using Fruit, Fish, Or Flower Game In The Teaching Vocabulary To The Fourth Grade Students’ Of SD Negeri  Candisari Secang Magelang In The Academic Year 2010/2011 (Pramita Latifaturrohmah)
82.  The Using Of Card Sort Technique In Improving Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Grade Students Of SDN Japan Tegalrejo Magelang In The School Year 2010/2011 (Kristalia Wanodya Nuswantari)
83.  Using Chit-Chat Game To Improve Speaking Skills Of The Fifth Grade Students Of MI Muhammadiyah Klepu, Kranggan, Temanggung In The School Year 2011/2012 (Taufik Afandi)
84.  The Effectiveness Of Memory Match Game To Improve Vocabulary Mastery To The Fourth Grade Students Of SDN Tidar 5 Magelang In The School Year 2011/2012 (Kiki Wilmanita)
85.  Using Chain Pictures To Improve The Recount Text Writing Skill Of The Eighth Grade Students Of SMP Islam Sarbini Grabag In The School Year 2011/2012 (Mira Widjayanti)
86.  Improving The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Using Dice Words Game Of The Fourth Grade Students Of MI Ma’Arif Arrosyidin Pucang In The School Year 2010/2011 (Kustantino)
87.  Increasing He Vocabulary Mastery Using “Cassette Disk Interactive Learning” Media To The Second-Grade Students Of SD Negeri Magelang 6 In The School Year 2011/2012 (Prabowo Mujiarto)
88.  The Effectiveness Of Mnemonic Technique In Teaching English Vocabulary To The Fifth Grade Students Of SDN Bengkal 1 Temanggung In The School Year 2011/2012 (Nurul Avivah Rahma Wati)
89.  Using Team Accelerated Instruction Technique To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fourth Graders Of SD Negeri Sumberarum 2 Tempuran Magelang In The Academic Year 2011/2012 (Gilang Riski Habibullah)
90.  Using Vocabulary Elaboration Technique To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Grade Students Of SDN Tegalrejo In The School Year 2011/2012 (Bagus Ferdiawan)
91.  Improving Vocabulary Mastery Using Frayer Model Of The Fifth Grade Students Of MTS N Kembaran In The School Year 2011/2012 (Noviana Mariani)
92.  Using Big Wind Blow Game To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Grade Students Of SDN Cacaban 4 In The School Year 2012/2013 (Denis Ardianta)
93.  Using Trading Place Game To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Grade Students Of SDN Payaman 1 In The School Year 2011/2012 (Heri Kuswanto)
94.  Using Story Map Strategy (SMS) To Improve The Reading Skill Of The Eighth Grade Student Of SMP Persatuan Mertoyudan In The School Year 2011/2012 (Lia Susanti)
95.  Using 4-Fold Technique To Improve Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Graders Of SDN Rejowinangun Selatan 5 Magelang In The School Year 2011/2012 (Yovita Eki Hardiyanti)
96.  Using Rotating Trio Exchange Technique To Improve The Speaking Ability Of The Seventh Graders Of SMP Patekosta Magelang In The School Year 2011/2012 (Monica Lusiati)
97.  Using Srotyline Technique To Improve The Reading Skill Of The Seventh Grade Students Of SMPN Pakis 2 Magelang On The School Year 2011/2012 (Marjito)
98.  The Effectiveness Of Hot Potato Game To Improve The Vocabulary Mastery Of The Fifth Graders Of SDN Wonokerso 2 Pringsurat Temanggung In The School Year 2011/2012 (Tri Kusuma Wardhani)
99.  Using Herringbone Technique To Improve The Reading Skill Of The Eighth Grade Students Of SMP Negeri 11 Magelang In The School Year 2011/2012 (Faridatul Inayah)
100.        Using Structure Dyadic Method To Improve The Reading Skill Of The Tenth Grade Students Of SMA N 2 Grabag Magelang In The School Year 2011/2012 (Elvira Novitasari)
101.        Using Egra Technique To Improve The Recount Text Writing Skill Of The Tenth Grade Students Of SMA Negeri 2 Grabag Magelang In The School Year 2011/2012 (Efi Nuryati)
102.        Improving Students’ Writing Skill Using Four Square Method To The Fifth Grade Students Of SD Negeri Jurang Ombo 5 Magelang In The School Year 2012/2013 (Fitri Nur Indahsari)
103.        Improving Students’ Writing Ability Using Inquiry-Based Learning To The Tenth Grade Of SMA N 1 Candimulyo In Academic Year 2011/2012 (Wahyu Utomo)
104.        Using Scattergories Game To Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Of Fifth Grade Student Of SD Negeri 1 Kertosari Temanggung In The School Year 2011/2012 (Rika Kristiyani)

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